Continuous training

Master Training

Les ingénieurs d’état peuvent postuler pour une formation complémentaire pour l’obtention du diplôme de Master en sciences de la mer.
Engineer-Entrepreneur Training (FIE)

Student at the end of their curriculum could apply to a specific training supported by a certificate provided by Excellency schools.
This training implies seven schools including Algerian schools and French schools (INSA of Lyon) in the framework of the FSP: ENSA Algiers, HEC Algiers, ESI Algiers, ENP Algiers, ENSTP Algiers, as well as the ENSSMAL and ENP of Oran (prior. ENSET- Oran).
This FIE (Engineer-Entrepreneur Training) concept takes place at the end of the academic curriculum, relating to the Final Academic Project of students.
Students will be assessed during their entire curriculum, within the school in which they receive their training (FIE). Their score will then be conveyed to their attachment schools to produce their diplomas. An FIE (co-signed, occasionally, by the two concurring academic institutions). The certificate is delivered to the student having fulfill all academic requirements.
F.I.E 2013
During the month of June 2013, the F.I.E. has been marked by two significant events: The first took place on the 20th June 2013. This event consist the 3rd RAP (Project Advance Revenue) .