Doctoral training

Doctoral training

ENSSMAL organizes two 3rd cycle doctoral courses (LMD Doctorate) for the 2017-2018 academic year. These doctoral courses include four options with a total number of 16 open positions. The information relating to these doctoral courses is as follows:
Title of the Ph.D. : Marine and Coastal Environment
Options and lines of research :
- Marine environment
- Marine and coastal geosciences
Title of the Ph.D. : Exploitation of Ichthyological Resources
Options and lines of research:
- Management of Fisheries Resources
- Aquaculture and Marine Biotechnology
Terms of Access

Admission to the two third-cycle doctoral programs (all options combined) is limited to students who meet the following criteria:
- Students with a master's degree in the requested option (see the call for applications to download below) ;
- Students who have not faced any disciplinary measures during their training.
Students who meet the following requirements are declared admitted to continue their doctoral program:
- Students who will be selected through contests based on written tests;
- Students who will pass the interview with the training committee.
Contest organization and terms and conditions

To learn about the registration procedures, please download and read the applications call for the contests to access higher education in Doctorate 3rd Cycle for the academic year 2015-2016.
The deadline for submitting applications is: 07/11/2015
The Competition date is: 07/11/2015
You can get more information from the Post-Graduation and Scientific Research Department.