Register to ENSSMAL

Practical information

campus universitaire de Dely Ibrahim, BP 19 ,Bois des Cars,Dely- Ibrahim,Chéraga,Alger
* For administrative information :
* For educational information :
Training courses offers and the opportunities

The users sectors (public and private) of the ENSSMAL training product (Ex- ISMAL) are the followings :
1. The fourteen coastal wilayas and about 160 municipalities (coastal).
2. Maritime engineering companies and consultancies.
3. Public and private operators in tourism and coastal leisure.
4. Public and private operators in the field of fishing and aquaculture.
5. Entities involved in coastal areas and infrastructure management.
6. Entities involved in pollution management and monitoring.
7. Training and research centers, analysis laboratories...
8. The academic sector
9. The independent activity within the framework of the creation of consulting offices and small businesses for the exploitation of coastal and continental water bodies.
The university works

Accommodation in university residences is warranted for regularly registered students living at more than 30 kilometers from Algiers for girls and 50 kilometers for boys.
Admission File
1. Legalized copy of the Baccalaureate diploma.
2. Enrollement Certificate
3. Civil status form of the applicant
4. Proof of residence of the applicant
5. Meical certificate of phthisiology or general medicine
6. Stamped letter with the physical address
7. Four ID photos
8-Engagement du père ou du tuteur de l'étudiant à s'acquitter des charges de la résidence universitaire en cas de défaillance de l'étudiant .
The allocation of a scholarship is granted to any student regularly enrolled in a higher education structure in proportion to the parents' income certificate.
Scholarship File
1. Legalized copy of the Baccalaureate diploma.
2. Enrollement Certificate
3. Civil status form of the applicant
4. Parents tax certificate
5. Two ID photos
6. Fees statement
7-Relevé des émoluments des parents.
Payment terms
The scholarship is made available quarterly via postal transfer. Students are required to create a postal checking account (CCP). They must deposit a voided (crossed) check at the level of the stock exchange services as soon as they receive their check book.
Scholarship withdrawal
If a student is delayed for more than one year, he or she loses the right to the scholarship.
Filing of scholarship applications
The scholarship files are submitted to the university residences.
Throughout the week, the university canteens provide students with three meals a day. Students are required to present their food service card. Non-resident students must bring their food service card, which is issued upon submission of the following documents:
1. Enrollement Certificate d'inscription
2. Two ID photos
3. Fee Payment Receipt
This service comprise two services:
Urban transport
Ensures the transportation of students living in university residences towards the School and the different sites.
Inter-communal transport
Ensures the transport of the students not lodged in university residence towards Algiers surroundings.
School has an occupational health service, which provide first aid and medical prevention.