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Master training

The second cycle students benefit from supplementary courses to achieve the Master's degree, according to the decree N°272 of March 9th 2017. A supplementary curriculum of four courses covering the three years of training.
- Delivered Course: 100 Hours
1. Introduction to research methodology (IMR): 25H
2. Documentary research and communication (RDC): 25H
3. Innovation: 25H
4. Project cycle management: 25H
- Master's dissertation: 100 H
Master's diplomas delivered

Field : Natural and Life Sciences (SNV)
Field : Marine and continental hydrobiology (HBMC)
Major :
- Aquaculture
- Fisheries
- Biodiversity and management of ecosystems
- Marine biotechnology
- Engineering of the marine and coastal environment
Field : Earth and Universe Sciences (STU)
Field : Geography and Regional Planning
Major : Management and protection of the coastline